16th Conference
7th to 9th September 2022
Opportunities and Challenges in a Changing Business & Management HEI Landscape
Online Conference
15th Conference
4th to 7th December 2020
The challenges of management research, education and practice during and after the current pandemic across the world
Online Conference
14th Conference
9th to 10th June 2018
Business Management: Region ∙ Country ∙ Culturee
Shanghai, China
13th Conference
17th to 20th May 2016
New World Equilibrium: managing regional realities
Merida, Yucatan, Mexico
12th Conference
2nd to 4th Sep 2014
Management in Crisis
Tokyo, Japan
11th Conference
26th to 29th June 2012
Management Re-Imagined
Limerick, Ireland
10th Conference
8th to 10th July 2010
Justice and Sustainability in the Global Economy
Paris, France
9th Conference
26th to 28th July 2008
Fusion and Development of East and West Management
Shanghai, China
8th Conference
28 to 30 Sep 2006
Enhancing managerial responsiveness to global challenges
Berlin, Germany
7th Conference
5th to 7th July 2004
Management in a world of diversity and change
Göteboeg, Sweden
6th Conference
6th to 9th July 2002
Management in a global context: prospects for the 21st century
Gold Coast, Australia
5th Conference
5th to 8th July 2000
Taking Stock
Montréal, Canada
4th Conference
13th to 16th July 1998
Globalization: Impact on Management, Education, Research and Practice
Alcalá de Henares, Spain
3rd Conference
3rd to 5th August 1996
Management of Intangibles
Paris, France
2nd Conference
2nd to 5th August 1994
Linking Management Scholars Worldwide
Dallas, The United States of America
1st Conference
7th to 9th September 1992
Management and High Technology
Tokyo, Japan