We did it!

IFSAM executive committee response to FT survey on management journals

The main insights of this webinar are summarized in the respective IFSAM conversation letter which you can find here:


We did it! We launched the first series of our federation webinars, on management research (quality) evaluation, with a webinar with panelists with experience as journal editors, leaders of scholarly associations and/or university administrators across the world – Jerry DavisProfessor Gerardine DoyleHenrich R. GreveSilke Machold, Zhen Tang and Alessandro Zattoni – and Andrew Jack from the Financial Times.

Great, diverse insights and suggestions and critical but constructive dialogue, also in the chat.

We also published a summary in our conversation letters in the website, together with the video.

Thanks so much to all, panelists and participants, many of them also distinguished scholars, editors and association leaders and members of our Council.

Special thanks to Patricia Genoe McLaren for her historical and critical introductory perspective & for co-chairing the session with Xavier Castañer, our president elect.

Deep gratitude also to our webmaster Eleonora Piacenza for her help in the logistics.