IFSAM 5th webinar on management research evaluation

on May 20, 2021

The closing webinar of our series was held on May 20 on #management #research #quality  #evaluation triggered by the Financial Times survey. The panelists were:

– Tj Adegbesan, PhD, former academic, founder and CEO, Gidi Mobile

Michael Barzelay, professor of public management, former LSE Department of Management head

– Eric Cornuel, EFMD Global president

– Claudia Costin, former professor, and minister, Brasil

– Lu Fucai, 江西财经大学 University of Finance and Economics president

– Ella ReindersTaylor & Francis Group

– Marie Laure SALLES, PhD HDR Dhc , director, @HEID, CH, former Dean of @Science Po Management & Innovation school, FR

– , co-EiC of Applied psychology, president of EAMSA, and vice president of AJBS

– Dr M’Bayang Thiam, PhD, active change management, former corporate VP of Philip Morris International

Andrew Jack will also participate on behalf of Financial Times

David Zoogah, president of the Africa Academy of Management, will co-chair the event together with our then president.

We aimed to have representatives of the different stakeholder groups invited in the prior four webinars.