ACEDE Celebrate 30th Anniversary


Yesterday our president interviewed Santiago García Echevarria, emeritus professor at Universidad Alcalá de Henares, about his memories of his involvement with IFSAM and with ACEDE, the Spanish Academy of Management, 30 years ago, as well as his views on the field. Santiago was the founding president of ACEDE in 1990-1992 and became the fifth president of IFSAM in 1997-1998 after organising the fourth biannual congress in 1998. This congress, that focused on globalisation, was one of our most successful congresses ever.

We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Santiago and all former and current leaders of ACEDE on this 30-year anniversary celebration and for all that they have accomplished in this period.

The history of ACEDE and IFSAM have been closely intertwined for almost all of these 30 years since their foundation in the same year (1990).  We are therefore delighted that ACEDE has applied to be re-admitted to IFSAM as a member and hope to be welcoming them back soon.