SIMA – Sinergie Panel on IFSAM position Statement on Management Research

2022 SIMA conference

Our General Secretary Elisa Martinelli represented IFSAM at the 2022 conference of SIMA, our Italian member association, in Milan. On June 31st, she addressed participants in the opening ceremony on behalf of IFSAM president and on July 1st, 2022, she presented IFSAM 2021 position statement on management research in the round table entitled “Evaluating management research. Contextualizing IFSAM’s position statement”, chaired by Arabella Mocciaro, one of the two current SIMA representatives to our General Assembly.

The round table had the participation of several colleagues who expressed their agreement with our position statement, including Katy Mason, chair of the British Academy of Management (also a member association of our federation).

We were also very pleased that Maria Rosa Napolitano, coordinator of the management research evaluation unit in the Italian Agency for Evaluation of the University and Research System (ANVUR), quoted some specific IFSAM statements in her presentation.

We are grateful to SIMA for the kind invitation and the organization of such a fruitful roundtable. We look forward to further exchanges with the Italian management research community.