Toshio Takahashi †

Toshio Takahashi †

Toshio Takahashi †

2015/2016 President


The achievements of the late Professor Takahashi can be divided into two periods, from 1970 to 1990 and till 2010. In the early days, he studied the history of German theory and critical business management. In general, Japanese management concepts are influenced mainly by two countries: Germany and the United States. It is not only in the figurative sense to say that the ‘bones of Japanese management are made from Germany, and the meat is from America.’ Occasionally, we also attempt to understand the cross-cultural influences that create organic development for Japanese management concepts, organised pre and post the Second World War.

In his later years, he studied corporate governance theory with a focus mainly on German companies. In addition, Professor Takahashi managed the secretariat of the 1st IFSAM International Conference (Keio Plaza Hotel, Tokyo) in 1992, together with Professor Noguchi who was the second president of IFSAM.

Word written by K. Shimizu