New IFSAM appointments


We are delighted to inform that our General Assembly just appointed the following colleagues in different positions of the Federation:

Board of Directors:

  • Secretary General (SG) – Prof. Martinelli Elisa (nominated by SIMA). Prof. Martinelli previously served as deputy SG since March 2021. We are very grateful for her extraordinary service and continuing commitment to the federation.
    We are very grateful to , our VP new membership & governance, who served as SG ad interim in the last three months.
  • VP Communication – Prof. Guadalupe Calderon (nominated by ACACIA)

Advisory Board

  • New AB member: Yvon Pesqueux (FNEGE)
    Yvon has served the federation in the 6 years’ presidential cycle (as president-elect, president & past president), as well as treasurer, co-organizer of two of our biennial congresses (both in Paris) and representative of FNEGE in our General Assembly.

General Assembly committees:

Congratulations! Wlook forward to working closely with you all for the benefit of the Federation. Best wishes to all!