IFSAM Conversation Letters on Webinar Series on Management Research Evaluation

IFSAM Conversation Letter 5 – June 20, 2021

On the Fifth Webinar – May 20, 2021 

of IFSAM Webinar Series on Management Research Evaluation

DOI: 10.57602/ICL5

This conversation letter contains an extensive summary of the contributions of the panelists and co-chairs. The summary from the co-chairs has been drafted by Elisa Martinelli, IFSAM deputy secretary, and edited by the co-chairs. 

Keywords: research evaluation; business practice; societal impact; paradigm change; journal rankings; disconnection; research accountability; critical thinking; constructive projection; translation; co-design orientation; doctoral programs; engage scholarship. 


IFSAM Conversation Letter 4 – May 25, 2021

On the Fourth Webinar, April 23, 2021

of IFSAM Webinar Series on Management Research Evaluation

DOI: 10.57602/ICL4

This conversation letter contains an extensive summary of the contributions of the panelists and co-chairs. The summary from the co-chairs has been drafted by Elisa Martinelli, IFSAM deputy secretary, and edited by the co-chairs.

Keywords: research evaluation; national public agencies; bibliometric data; impact; economic model; open access (OA); metrics; papers’ content; science to scientists; reputation; relevance.


  1. How can we change faculty evaluation and rewards system so journal articles are not so heavily weighted in recruitment and promotion/retention processes? If we don’t rely on counting journal publications (and citations), how can we make sure that ‘internal’ colleagues will read the work of the evaluated colleague? How can we avoid this being seen as potential clanism/nepotism as in the past?
  2. Should scholarly societies create new journals by themselves (without publishers)? How would that affect and effectively change the current landscape, also with open access and predatory journals? How can learned societies regain control of their journals and publish independently from publishers?


IFSAM Conversation Letter 3
on webinar with publishers & editors of management research publications

Third Webinar, March 26, 2021

IFSAM Webinar Series on Management Research Evaluation

DOI: 10.57602/ICL3

This conversation letter contains an extensive summary of the contributions of the panellists and co-chairs and a short commentary by two participants, by panellist Amanda Wilson (Wiley) and Andrew Jack (FT). The summary from the co-chairs has been drafted by Elisa Martinelli, IFSAM deputy secretary, and edited by the co-chairs.


First Commentary by Amanda Wilson, Editor, social sciences, Wiley, USA

April 19, 2021
On the IFSAM Third Webinar, March 26, 2021
of IFSAM Webinar Series on Management Research Evaluation


Second Commentary by Andrew Jack, Global Education Editor, Financial Times

April 19, 2021
On the IFSAM Third Webinar, March 26, 2021
of IFSAM Webinar Series on Management Research Evaluation


IFSAM Conversation Letter 2
on webinar with university presidents & management schools’ deans

Second Webinar, February 24, 2021

IFSAM Webinar Series on Management Research Evaluation

DOI: 10.57602/ICL2

Following the first webinar on Jan 29 with representatives of different stakeholders in the field, the second webinar on Feb 24 gathered the views of representatives of the stakeholder group of university presidents and management school deans from around the world. We summarize next some of the key insights they each brought.


IFSAM 2nd webinar – Questions & Answers

1- How to effectively include books (research handbooks, edited books and textbooks), in addition to journal articles, in the selection, tenure and promotion processes?

2- How to effectively capture the multidimensionality of management research quality (scientific rigor & contribution and organizational/managerial/societal relevance) into a synthetic measure?


IFSAM Conversation Letter 1
on the launching webinar on management research quality evaluation

First Webinar, January 29, 2021

IFSAM Webinar Series on Management Research Evaluation

DOI: 10.57602/ICL1-1

DOI: 10.57602/ICL1-2

The first IFSAM conversation letter (ICL) is devoted to the insights of our first webinar on Jan 29 2021 on management research evaluation worldwide: https://www.ifsam.org/blog/2021/01/29/first-webinar/

This first conversation is between one article kindly written by Andrew Jack and another by the co-chairs of the webinar, Patricia Genoe McLaren and Xavier Castañer. It was released prior to our next webinar in this series on February 24: https://www.ifsam.org/blog/2021/01/30/second-webinar/

An ICL will follow each webinar with the core insights of the session.

In December 2020, the Financial Times (FT) launched a survey to solicit feedback on the list of 50 journals it uses to determine the research rank of business schools (known as the FT50 journal list) and more broadly asking for input on different ways of measuring the quality and impact of management research from both individual academics and deans in management schools. This triggered an asymmetric response across the world, in particular, as regards to scholarly associations of management as well as the editors of their journals.


DOI: 10.57602/ICL1-1

Xavier Castañer, President Elect, International Federation of Scholarly Associations of Management (IFSAM) – xavier.castaner@unil.ch

Patricia Genoe McLaren, President, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada – pmclaren@wlu.ca 

When the Financial Times launched a questionnaire late last year on how it assesses academic research, it unleashed a fierce reaction.

Editors and the professional bodies behind some publications got in touch to plead the case for inclusion of their particular journals in the FT50 list, and circulated petitions via email, online and via social media to urge their contributors and supporters to lobby on their behalf.


DOI: 10.57602/ICL1-2

Andrew Jack, Global Education Editor, Financial Times – respbus@ft.com