Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração (ANPAD)

Basic Information

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Next Conference: 16 – 18 de set de 2024 – XLVIII Encontro da ANPAD, EnANPAD 2024

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Institutional Information

What is the Brazilian Academy of Management (ANPAD)?

The Brazilian Academy of Management (ANPAD) aims to promote research, education, and knowledge building in Business and Public Administration, Accounting and related areas in Brazil.

The majority of the Academy’s institutional members are management or business graduate programs offering academic and professional master’s and/or doctoral courses in colleges, institutions, universities and similar educational institutions. We currently have approximately 106 associated graduate programs.

The majority of individual members of ANPAD are professional academics and researchers in the management or business field, employed by business schools and/or universities. We currently have approximately 3000 individual members.

Every year, ANPAD holds at least three meetings and/or conferences: the ANPAD Annual Meeting (EnANPAD) that encompasses all areas of business and management; and two or three other conferences that focus on one specific field of knowledge. Jointly with the several meetings and conferences, workshops are held for research students and/or junior staff. ANPAD also organizes an annual doctoral consortium in connection with EnANPAD.

In order to stimulate the most diverse discussions on the most relevant themes concerning Business Administration, Public Administration, Accounting and similar areas, ANPAD has delimited Divisions and Interest Groups that integrate various themes of scientific interest, broadly corresponding to distinct areas covered by management, whether public or private, the latter including that of organizations in the tertiary sector. The Divisions and Interest Groups reflect the following fields of knowledge: Management Information Systems; Public Administration; Accounting; Organizational Studies; Management & Accounting Education and Research; Strategy; Finance; Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship; Operations Management and Logistics; Human Resources and Labor Relations; and Marketing.

These Divisions and Interest Groups accompany the dynamism inherent to the scientific discussions, the intention to stimulate academic and scientific networks with shared interests, comprising a privileged forum for informal debates among professors, researchers and graduate students. Whereas individual ANPAD members opt for affiliation to the Divisions and Interest Groups of their interest, the associated graduate programs are linked to all the association without distinction.

The ANPAD Proficiency Test, created in 1987, is a nationwide proficiency test with the aim of homogenizing the admission of students in Graduate courses in Management and Accounting. ANPAD currently organizes and applies two proficiency tests, each targeted to different orientations: Academic Orientation, which assesses the ability to master Portuguese and English language knowledge, logical-quantitative and analytical reasoning skills; and Professional Orientation, which assesses the ability to master knowledge of Portuguese and English, Measurement Methods and Data Analysis, as well as the ability to analyze Interdisciplinary Cases that require a decision.

ANPAD regularly publishes two academic journals. The Journal of Contemporary Administration (Revista de Administração Contemporânea – RAC) was established in 1997 and is published bimonthly. The journal publishes articles on theoretical development and theoretical-empirical work in the areas of Administration and Accounting, aligned with Open Science practices. We pay special attention to the role of RAC: to be a reliable source of data, information, and knowledge. In addition, RAC, through its editorial scope, prioritizes works that explore themes relevant to society. To do so, it uses the themes highlighted in the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

BAR – Brazilian Administration Review is a scholarly journal on business and public administration published quarterly since 2004. BAR is available in most indexing services, including Scopus. BAR’s mission is to advance scholarly knowledge on management and organizational theories so as to assist business and public administration worldwide by means of the global dissemination of conceptual and empirical studies developed in Brazil and other countries. BAR’s target audience is the global scholarly community in all interests of business and public administration.

Both journals are published online with open-access to its full texts (peer-reviewed content) and are members and subscribe to the principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) for scholarly publication.

More recently in 2021, ANPAD started a regular newsletter with special announcements, reports and several news to better communicate with the academic community in Brazil, and throughout the world.

Therefore, ANPAD acts as an association that articulates the interests of the programs, involving the academic community and government institutions responsible for the administration of education and technological-scientific development in Brazil, aiming higher quality of research and education in management and correlated fields.

Our history

Created in 1976 upon the initiative of the eight graduate programs in existence in Brazil at that time, ANPAD today is the main association for interaction among associated programs, national research groups in the area and those at international level. Allied to its solid operation, the considerable growth in the number of graduate courses available has culminated in the Association celebrating its 45th year of activity in 2021, uniting more than 100 associated graduate programs and over 3000 individual members across an internationally recognized academic community.

Over these 45 years, ANPAD integrated several generations of scholars, researchers ad students at different graduate courses at various institutions, both public and private. All this diversity brought to ANPAD the experience and regional and local vision of our peers, making the association an integral part of the institutionalization process of stricto sensu graduate courses in Brazil.

During this period, the foundations of a solid and influential research and graduate association were laid. 

Looking Ahead

Nowadays, we seek to make ANPAD a dynamic and permanent space for collaboration and integration of the entire academic community. This collaboration goes beyond the main events in the area, as we see a potential to be explored in the various connectivity resources that we learned to deal with during this pandemic. We have already seen an increase in the participation of international scholars in the conferences promoted this year, which were held remotely. In parallel, we are resuming national partnerships and promoting internationalization, through publications, call for papers, networks, and/or participation in meetings and conferences, enhancing cooperation among peers.